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Cindy Hickman
Cindy Hickman  
This three sport captain epitomizes what is generally known regarding Acton-Boxboro girls athletics. They are the best, and so was Cindy. This multi-talented individual is summed up in several quotes from her high school coaches... "Cindy feels very strongly that a team must be supportive of each other both on and off the field" - Coach Mary Calore... "Cindy has been the heart and soul of our team since her sophomore year" - Coach Paul McDermott... "Cindy is a consummate competitor and a dedicated team player " - Coach Jack.
Do you need proof? Cynthia was a two time DCL All Star in field hockey and Player of the Year for The Lowell Sun her senior year. For her field hockey prowess, she was the first female athlete to be awarded the Channel 4 "Outstanding Athlete Award, November 8, 1982. In basketball, she was a three year DCL All Star and Lowell Sun All Star her Junior and Senior years. In spring track, Cindy still holds AB's Javelin Record. Taking up softball her final two springs, she batted over .400 in her final campaign. Cynthia was selected the Best Female Athlete of her class. After graduating twelfth in her class, Cynthia attended Colgate University where she was a four year varsity field hockey starter and Co-captain her senior year. In addition to her field hockey success, she played a season of varsity basketball. Upon graduating from Colgate, she moved to Madrid, Spain to study Spanish and travel Europe. Cynthia is using her bi-lingual abilities and is now teaching, coaching and residing at the Middlesex School in Concord, Massachusetts. Her three year record as field hockey coach is 33-7-11. Cynthia's most memorable moment at AB was during her senior year when her field hockey team won the North Sectional Championship.

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