Acton Boxborough Colonial Club

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Acton Boxborough Colonial Club

William O'Connell


Acton Boxboro is renowned in New England as a premier public secondary school for academic and athletic excellence. The architect of this achievement was Bill O'Connell. After active duty in the armed service from 1941 to 1945, the Boston University graduate was hired as a teacher in the Acton Public Schools in September 1945. Mr. O'Connell served brilliantly as teacher, coach, and principal before becoming Acton Boxboro Regional High School's first superintendent. His foresight and uncanny ability to judge one's character provided the students of Acton Boxboro with a teaching staff second to none. The coaches that Bill worked with included: Stearns, Boylan, Forsman, McNulty, Leary, Stonkus, Dow, Palavris, and Gifford. The generation of athletes that these fine coaches taught are now teaching their values and disciplines to their own student athletes and their own children. In his wisdom, Mr. O'Connell knew the great value of athletics as an integral part of one's education. Mr. O'Connell knew that often times, more is learned on the field than in the classroom. He knew that life is not always gathered from a textbook and those individuals who learned to react to life's curveballs are the ones that succeed. We take this opportunity to thank Mr. William O'Connell, his wife Rosalie and his family for his many contributions to Acton Boxboro athletics.

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